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3506 GA Utrecht

+31 (0)654282601
ContactStuur Emils... een bericht
Extra informatieAccess-to-Dutch-market


Deze pagina bevat extra informatie van Emils....



Services for compagnies who want to enter the Dutch market.


Market research

  • Search, analysis and reporting of market opportunities for new business
  • Desk research (secondary data)/field research
  • Market segmentation
  • Spot new opportunities
  • Potential distribution channels
  • Market player: wholesaling and retailing


All other possible wished information or actions

  • Make the first contact with potential partners
  • Setting up a test-market
  • Sales representative services
  • Creating synergy and a win-win situation with third parties



Many activities are possible!, so don’t  hesitate and do take contact for further information and possibilities, I’m convinced that we can create a WIN-WIN situation.
